About Me
I'm someone who loves exploring and experimenting just for fun. Mostly, I spend my time working on Maths and Stats, and applying them to Data Science. Beyond that, I do Reverse Engineering as a hobby, and learning Physics to understand how things work from first principles.
Journal Articles
2024. Penerapan Metode Transfer Learning Pada Indobert Untuk Analisis Sentimen Teks Bahasa Jawa Ngoko Lugu, simkom, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 205-217, Jul. 2024.
Data Analysis Projects
List of all Data Analysis projects I have worked on (and published).
Machine Learning Projects
List of all Machine Learning projects I have worked on (and published).
Analisis Sentimen Bahasa Jawa IndoBERT
Model analisis sentimen berbasis IndoBERT yang dapat memprediksi sentimen 'positif' atau 'negatif' dalam teks berbahasa Jawa Ngoko Lugu.
Prediksi Emosi IndoBERT
Model Deep Learning berbasis IndoBERT yang dapat memprediksi 6 jenis emosi dalam suatu kalimat, yaitu marah, sedih, senang, cinta, takut, dan jijik.
CTF Solvers
List of all the Capture The Flag (CTF) exploits and solvers that I wrote for fun.
Responsive Layouts Final Challenge
My solution to the Responsive Layouts Final Challenge on Kevin Powell Conquering Responsive Layouts Course.
Frontend Mentor Web Development Challenges
List of all the Frontend Mentor challenges I have completed.
LeetCode Problems
List of all the LeetCode problems I have solved.